Nature & people,

like nature intended.

Where the live and let live people,
the help each other people and the work together people
are the people.

One day soon the only land where humans and nature coexist will be what we settle now.

If you've reached this you're probably aware the time for change is already here and are looking for people who are similarly aligned and ambitious to co-create something that makes much more sense. .

You're feeling some kind of lifestyle dysphoria, that there's an imbalance between the world you'd like to live in and the one outside your door....

In our desire for a better life we seem to have overshot the sweet spot and are experiencing more and more negative effects of our choices as a society and culture.

We are at, or reaching peak debt, peak deforestation, peak pollution, peak biodiversity decline, peak depression, peak cost of living, peak wealth gap, ….really there are just too many ways to list of how we’re getting it wrong. The effects on all the living systems of earth are catastrophic to say the least. We’re driving the earth to the limits of her ability to sustain life under our continuing exploitation and disregard for the very fabric of life. It has become obvious that we need to live differently, in more peaceful and natural surroundings, we need to work and live together with kindness and cooperation.

We don't need to go back to living like cavemen either, we've created some amazing stuff and it would definitely be a step backward to leave much of it behind. It's more the way we live. With open loop extract-use-discard commodity streams, a non permaculture, non sustainable abuse of the very ecosystem that sustains us, and all life on the planet, profiteering and the ever widening gap between rich and poor, no company or individual needs to make another million or billion in profit this year or any year, there are people starving and who can't make the rent. Change is necessary and overdue.

Co-living in a well organised community of like minded others, can provide for and fulfil the needs of individuals and the group and be something far more resembling the utopia we dream of.

We have abundant resources and knowledge to do this, to create and live highly evolved lives among the good, the true and the beautiful. The time is now...... This is not a drill!

Cohabitat is working towards developing locally funded and run organisations. We want to connect people and increase the accessability, affordability and viability of nature based agroecological lifestyles for people who are ready, and give them the tools to get there.

So if you like the ideology, no matter where you are, get in touch, and be the change.

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