Nature & people,

like nature intended.

Where the live and let live people,
the help each other people and the work together people
are the people.

There is nowhere that people should not have access to, and the opportunity to live natural healthy lives, in a natural healthy environment.

Land that is practical, desirable and affordale is out there, and costs from around $10k - $25k per hectare, depending on location, size and many other factors. Before we realise this utopia we have 2 issues to address. 1. Paying for the land and 2. Being able to live on it. For people who don't have $25k perhaps a system where we buy tokens for $250, and when you have 100 tokens you you join the active buyers. When a group within the active buyers have collectively enough tokens for a particular property they can buy it and create a Cohabitat. This hopefully would become an ongoing processs. Tokens should remain fully fungible and be redeemable at any time until they become a Cohabitian. .

Note all figures are ball park but give an idea of costs invoved.

So how does this work?


Using Trademe (a New Zealand sales and auction website) as a guide for land fit for purpose and pricing, We chose 8 examples of farms and other land most suitable for settlement, (Check them out here).)At the time the prices varied between $8k - $18k per hectare. That's an average of $13k per hectare, with those properties being between 10ha and 300ha. There will obviously be some variance in the land area, cost per hectare and number of people a property can support.


What will I live in? Essentially what ever you want. You'll be able to build your dream home (as long as it is within the local council guidelines) .


The network relationships between villages including the "LifeB" community will be one of our greatest assets, it increases our knowledge, skills and abilities. Providing people and information to create a strong, agile and resilient network covering all aspects of our development and maturation.

Food There will undobtably be much gardening and farming, using natural regenerative practices to produce our own natural food. We'll need to master gardening and orchards. It will take some time to get all that under way so contingencies will be required. It is also imagined that organic produce could provide some income.


Governace and management Sociocracy is main contender here. Google it if you need to know more. But we will use everything in the toolbox that works for us and evolve as needed. This is the make it or break it for most coliving endeavours, so lots of effort and being real lives here.

Tell me more! We hope to grow a network of settlements that each of us may find a neighbourhood/community that is a good fit for us. This can easily be a reality for hundreds of people and more. There is of course much more to do and discuss, and the website will reflect that as Cohabitat grows. If all of this sounds like something you're interested in or would like to get behind and help make happen click on the Contact/Join button at the top and hit us up for our "Discord"and lets start a more ecologically responsible, authentic and socially rewarding life.


Cohabitat is working towards developing locally funded and run organisations. We want to connect people and increase the accessability, affordability and viability of nature based agroecological lifestyles for people who are ready, and give them the tools to get there.

So if you like the ideology, no matter where you are, get in touch, and be the change.

© Copyright 2019 Cohabitat